We are still parked out front of and plugged into the condo in Silverthorne. I cancelled our reservations for the campsite at Lake Dillon since this current situation is just too cozy. We shower and launder, cook and loiter in the condo saving the Airstream from any misuse. I aim to keep it in a perpetual state of pristine for as long as possible: I want the euphoria to last. Impossible, I know.
I'm after everyone to remove their shoes, put away their clothes, and replace everything to its proper place. If they don't comply I will turn into a wicked witch with the new O-Cedar broom I keep stored in the shower. I feel so clever at my organization of our 200-something square feet of domicile. I managed to neatly tuck our stuff into a sensible order, careful not to overstuff or to underthink the logic of placement. Allie's stuff goes in the bins below the sofa and the overhead cabinet. My camera stuff has its bin; bug spray and first aid items go in the cabinet by the door. Our seasonal clothing is in space bags and Rubbermaid containers left in the car. The Yamaha generator sitting currently in the condo garage needs a spot. Robert wants to have a hitch/platform thing added to the back of the trailer and I say, "Good idea," since the thought of carting it around in the Tahoe is unpleasant as is stowing it in the Airstream while in motion.
I've decided it's actually nicer to keep the dining table-top retracted in favor of the sofa arrangement/Allison's bed. With the table down we have a large "L" sofa which is especially cozy. However, Allison, being a child, finds it fun to make a fort with the pillows. I figure any harmless amusement she invents is okay seeing we allowed her only a tiny bag of her "toys" from home. Right now, the Airstream seems to all of us like a super-chic playhouse. We have yet to camp. Maybe this is the very best way to begin. Just like dipping a big toe in the water, we are slowly getting a feel for what we are about to dive in to.
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