Sunday, February 26, 2006

Hola and Aloha from Loreto!

The propane that supplies the heat to the back bathrooms is depleted so I had to use the outdoor shower in the courtyard. I may never shower indoors again! Great water pressure, warm air temperature, beautiful view of the Sierras de la Gigantas over the wooden shower door--what a way to start the day.

We invited Allison's classmate and neighbor over for the day. I have gotten to know her mother better and the older sister is now tutoring Allison in Spanish. They are good people to know. I am hoping Allison will pick up Spanish playing with G., plus make a closer friend now that she's lost her "best friends," the sisters from Colorado. From the squealing going on through the house I think the two are on their way to being fast friends. I keep trying to speak Spanish to G. but it's apparent she knows much more English than I first suspected. I suggested peanut butter and jelly for lunch and I think she said, "right on!" No, only kidding. I hear her speaking English with Allison and I think, "No, make Allison learn your language!" It's our duty to learn her language, to make her comfortable, but I think it is frustrating to her to hear me butcher the Spanish. I motion to their plates and ask, "Esta bien?" to which a mildly frustrated G. replies, "WHAT?" as in what exactly is supposed to be okay?, the sandwich, the drinks, the apples...what?

Never the matter, I am elated to have a little friend over for Allison. It feels like a typical summer Sunday at home: Robert at golf, me at home supervising little people while I wander from one little domestic task to the other. Later this afternoon we go to the Carnaval, the annual "Mardi Gras" of Mexico. Allison is actually participating by riding on a float in the parade with her dance class. The float is decorated as an Hawaiian island complete with palms and a paper mache volcano. The little girls wear purple muumuus and flower headresses while the bigger girls walk behind, hula-ing in grass skirts. Tonight will be the second day of parading. Yesterday was such a feast for the senses it will take a separate journal entry to describe the experience. I was a bit overwhelmed with what I took in. More on that later.

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