Monday, May 28, 2007

Read this

I can't think of the last time I read something that moved me as much as Cormac McCarthy's, "The Road." And I read a lot. Not that I am any smarter for it; most of what I read I soon forget. I don't have strong retention. The lack thereof has caused me regret, but I read voraciously nevertheless. I found a friend in Dave Barry years ago when I stumbled across his confession that, he too, forgets most of what he reads; he just loves the process of reading. His admission made me feel better and I never forgot it. I read because I love the process. I love where written words take me. I love wandering in the realm of story-telling.

It may be hard to recover from "The Road,"however. The book touched me so unexpectedly deep that I melted into a puddle of tears leaving me to sort through why I'm so broken up. Obviously, from others' reviews I am not alone. The story is haunting and beautiful all at once and after "All the Pretty Horses," and "The Crossing," Cormac McCarthy is on my list for favorite authors.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm heading off to the bookstore today. I need something to read, and I'll give this one a whirl. Thanks!