Friday, March 24, 2006

Betsy's back!

Betsy's back and it only cost us 320 pesos. A Mexican family who lives near the arroyo phoned us with the news that they had her. Don Alfredo, our handyman who was at the house at the time of the call went with Robert to show him the way. Apparently, the man is a laborer on the Loreto Bay project and picked Betsy up in the road somewhere in our neighborhood. Of course, Allison was thrilled at the news. I was relieved, especially of the burden of searching for our dog which Robert and I did all morning. We scoured the desert brush around our house to the beach and I watched the skies for vultures.

As Robert left I reached for whatever cash we had, suggesting we give a reward, maybe 200 pesos (20 bucks), I reckoned. When he returned with Betsy he told me the rescuers brazenly asked for more, settling on the 320 pesos he had on hand! He was glad he didn't have more cash with him, he said. Oh well, at least Allie's got her dog back and I don't have to wonder what horrible end Betsy had met. And we had our theories. Robert's was the darkest: desert dogs had picked her apart. I snapped that "dogs don't eat dogs," to which he zinged back, "why do you think they call it a dog-eat-dog world? HaHa. I guess I'd never thought about it that literally.

Tomorrow, I'll take all those posters down.

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