Saturday, November 26, 2005

Cruising Loreto on a Friday night

I have to admit there are times we are a little bored. Especially in the evening when it's too early to go to sleep, but nothing much to occupy our time. Last night Robert suggested we go to town and look for a toaster. WooHoo! On the way in we noticed stadium lights on at the high school. Let's go watch a soccer game. We paid our 20 pesos and parked near the field alongside other cars. In this way the scene was very familiar to us having spent half our lives at our sons' sporting events. But as I looked around I noticed a lack of young ladies, a given at boy's sports events. Also some of the players sported full mustaches. I commented on this to Robert who replied that Mexicans mature faster. However on closer look we realized this was an adult soccer league and that took some of the fun out of it.

We headed to downtown where we found a cappucino shop which logo suspiciously mimicked Starbucks. The coffee wasn't half-bad. We took our treats and began strolling the main avenue. It was Friday night and like any small town in America, the young people were out. Most of the stores were open and looked so different lit up. On the town plaza we saw a sign posted by the Optimists Club advertising a pancake breakfast with Santa Claus. We said we'd go but when morning came we changed our minds. Who knows how tasty Mexican flapjacks could be and I was sure I'd have to explain to Allison why Santa has a big black mustache.

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